Creativity is one of the most incredible gifts a child has. Their innocence and imaginations are the greatest recipe for a writer. If your child knows it or not, they are constantly making memories and tuned in to a world, viewing things very differently than an adult. Their height, their way of interpretation of their experiences and how they relate can all be seen as a disadvantage but in fact, it's a point of view that many adults forget.
Even if your child is not an avid reader, I will always encourage a child to write. Freeing them of their burdens, their fears, their dreams and aspirations also help them communicate with us. How can we help them with things they are struggling with or aspiring for if they don't share? Guiding them to jot it is encouraging communication and giving us access inside their heads.
I recommend starting with a few exercises and building towards journaling. Here are a few suggestions I love and feel any child will find really fun.

The Big Life Journal: LINK
Happy Confident Me: LINK
My First Gratitude Journal: LINK
Learn, Grow, Succeed!: A Kids Growth Mindset Journal: LINK
Write On: My Story Journal: A Creative Writing Journal for Kids LINK
This Is Me: One Year Journal For Girls and Teens With Writing Prompts For Self Exploration, Imaginative Thinking, and Creative Writing LINK
Time Capsule: A Seriously Awesome Journal LINK
Writer's Toolbox: Learn How to Write Letters, Fairy Tales, Scary Stories, Journals, Poems, and Reports LINK
Your Diary - Sparkly Lock & Keys - Girls 8+ - Illustrated and Activities LINK
DUDE Diary - for boys 8-12 LINK